Glokn in Midbar (Bells in the Desert), Yiddish, London, 1948 and Ringn un Keyten (Rings and Chains), Yiddish, London, 1947 by S. Palme.

S. Palme was the pen name of Bernard (Berl) Sovinsky.  He was my great-grandmother’s first cousin, born in Miedzyrzec Podlaski (Mezerich in Poland) to Baruch and Chana Sovinsky in 1888.  I have previously written about his book Farviste Erd (Scorched Earth), published in London in 1943.  This copy has all three books bound together, and … Continue reading Glokn in Midbar (Bells in the Desert), Yiddish, London, 1948 and Ringn un Keyten (Rings and Chains), Yiddish, London, 1947 by S. Palme.