Palestina – The Chovevei Zion Quarterly, September 1897

2 Palestina_0001Palestina was the journal of the Chovevei Zion (Lovers of Zion) Association.  This was formally founded in 1884 and was at one time a large, strong international movement, with branches called ‘Tents’ in major Jewish communities throughout Great Britain and Ireland.









However, they gave only a reluctant recognition to the First Zionist Conference in Basle in 1897.  “For better or worse, the Congress of Zionists at Basle is an accomplished fact…”

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This Conference set up the Zionist Organization which the members of the Chovevei Zion gradually joined.

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Who were the Chovevei Zion activists in 1897?  Here is a list of the Officers of the ‘Tents’:

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If you want, you can make a donation – here is the donation form tipped into my copy:

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